Find Meaning in Numbers


To some, numbers are really, really boring... To others, numbers are a bit scary and your hearts start to race, just as they did in math class.

While I admit to being a numbers geek, it was not until my spiritual awakening that I found a deeper meaning in numbers. My eyes opened to a whole new world full of connectivity and synchronicity.

Numbers reveal the mystical language of our Universe. They invite us to discover and act upon themes and patterns in our lives. You may already be one of those attuned to seeing sacred digits everywhere: 11:11, 22, 333, 357, or 717. They instantly capture you and playfully ask: Are you paying attention?

The idea of numbers as forms of divination was pondered by Greek and Roman philosophers. Pythagoras believed that numbers hold secrets and energy, while St. Augustine of Hippo believed that everything in our world has numerical relationships and numbers offer confirmations of truth and meaning.

Meaning in Numbers

0 The Womb, The Void, Eternity, Cycles, Infinite Possibility, Nothing & Everything, Totality, Unity, Wholeness

1 New Beginnings, Initiating Action, Leadership, Pioneer, Individual, Authority, Independence, Courage, Strength

2 Balance, Partnership, Duality, Cooperation, Adaption, Opposites, Diplomacy, Contrast, Polarity, Patience

3 Self-Expression, Verbalization, Socialization, Creativity, Joyful Living, Imagination, Communication, Passionate

4 Foundations, Pragmatism, Order, Stability, Reason, Structures, Work, Intelligence, Diligence, Discipline

5 Change, Adventure, Innovation, Freedom, Expansiveness, Vision, Travel, Pleasure, Sensuality, Gratitude

6 Harmony, Love, Relationships, Nurturing, Community, Loyalty, Healing, Empathy, Family, Home, Intuition

7 Contemplation, Analysis, Reflection, Understanding, Knowledge, Awareness, Mystic, Spirituality, Solitude

8 Prosperity, Success, Abundance, Manifestation, Empowerment, Drive, Focus, Financial Well-being, Powerful

9 Completion, Conclusions, Wisdom, Activism, Charity, Closure, Service to Humanity, Higher Consciousness

Who would have thought “Math Class” was spiritual mysticism in disguise?

A pivotal and more pragmatic aspect of Numerology is how it offers a way to relate to numbers. Connection is especially crucial and healing for the feminine. Finding a deeper meaning in numbers can also help reduce math anxiety when facing financial tasks.

One way to personally connect to numbers is through a Numerology reading or chart. Who doesn’t want more insight into their life path and purpose?

An Invitation

Find a Numerology Chart based on your birth name, date, and time that appeals to you. What number(s) feels most meaningful to you?

My favorite: Primary Life Chart by Carol Adrienne, Ph.D.

(includes a 12-month forecast)

Join the Community Discussion

Are you paying more attention to numbers that catch your eye? Share your experience and insights with one another.


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