Become Rooted

You are invited to actively participate in the Living Money System. So, show up, dig deep, get messy, be uncomfortable, be vulnerable, feel it, rethink it, clean it up, reach out, take risks, lift each other, dream again, but do the work. We will explore those deep dark crevices that falsely feed our fears, while also recognizing our triumphs despite facing intentional systemic limitations or other extraneous circumstances. Together, we co-create the potential of the Living Money System.

It begins by cultivating your multi-dimensional relationships with money.

In Elemental

The Elemental dimension and its alchemy of the four classic elements: air, water, earth & fire, provides you a living framework for how you think, feel, do, and invoke money.

In Cyclical

The Cyclical dimension is nature’s organic flow that offers continuous renewal and sustainability to support you in how you manage your money through its seasons.

In Lunar

The Lunar dimension is symbolic of the divine feminine and connects you to nature’s magic, your magic, through its dark and mysterious phases.

“The Heroine’s Journey is a path to understanding how deeply enmeshed we are in the web of life on this planet. In many ways, it is an antidote to the swashbuckling action-adventure that is the Hero’s Journey: it is a woman’s journey, based on a woman’s way of being in the world. This path forces us first to examine ourselves and the world we live in, to face up to all that is broken and dysfunctional in it and in our own lives. Then it calls is to change - first ourselves, and then the world around us. It leads us back to our own sense of grounded belonging to this Earth, and asks us what we have to offer the places and communities in which we live. Finally, it requires us to step into our own power and take back our ancient, native role as its guardians and protectors. To rise up rooted, like trees.”

- Sharon Blackie, If Women Rose Rooted