March is here! 🌷Before Spring arrives, let’s prepare our taxes to wrap up 2020. March is a good time for you to prepare your taxes ahead of the April 15 deadline. This year bring your feminine energy to the task. Elemental Recommendations for TaxesSelect one practice per week to cultivate the elemental dimensions of your relationship with money. Water Earth Fire Air Next Month… Save the Date! RSVP HerePlease note time change for this “Thriving Thursday” Please complete the Inquiry below! Monthly InquiryYour input contributes to shaping the content YOU want for next month's financial focus: Income. Are you earning money from what you are most passionate? No, I really don't like my job, but I feel stuck. I like my occupation, but it does not really reflect my passion and potential. Yes, I am doing what I love and earning money at it! Do you Pay Yourself First? Not quite yet, but I will as soon as I pay down my credit card debt. Yes, but then I tend to spend my savings. It is difficult for me to maintain a savings balance. Yes, I just started this year and built in savings to my One Number Plan! Yes, I put aside savings when I can and use it as needed, while maintaining a minimum savings balance at all times. Yes, I have an established a Pay Yourself First policy and practice. Do you live below your means? No, I tend to lean on credit card debt to make it work because my expenses exceed what I earn. I am making changes so that my expenses are below my earnings. Yes, my living expenses do not exceed what I earn each month. Do have diversity in your sources of income? No. I depend on one job for all of my income. Yes, I have different sources of income. Do you earn some passive income from investments? Not yet, but I am interested to start earning passive income. Yes, I have made investments that earn passive income. Thank you! Copyright © 2020 Jen Lightwood