Transform Your Money Language


Everyday we express our money beliefs through our language. These verbal statements come out so often and so freely that we may not be completely aware of how much they inform “how we do money.”

Years ago, I was in my office and a work colleague plopped down in my guest chair and announced “I’m so spent!” Recently, she and her husband refinanced their home to payoff their credit card debt for the third time in four years. Her language not only revealed her financial situation but what she is believing/doing to create it.

When we say things like “I can’t afford that” or “I’m not good with money” we are reinforcing limiting money beliefs. This self-defeating language is often at the core of our financial behaviors. Our language can also be internalized by those around us, especially our children.

An Invitation

Start with listening to how others express their money beliefs through their language. Next pay more attention to your language. Better yet, ask someone you trust to reflect back your money language.

Join the Community Discussion

What did you notice that others say? What did you notice that you say? How have you begun to change your language?


Put a Pen to a Plan


Read a Money Book (really!)