Write Your Money Story
Journaling is a highly effective tool for approaching, understanding and releasing emotions. Reflecting on our writings help us to soothe feelings and identify habitual patterns.
While computers serve as a fast medium for writing, research shows that handwriting can stimulate the areas in our brain that are associated with memories. The slower process of forming letters, especially cursive, has the added benefits of improving our ability to concentrate and our skill for how we process information.
An Invitation
Grab your ‘money’ journal. Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. If you are wondering where to start… try this: What is your first memory of money? What is your lastest money memory? How do these memories play into your financial patterns?
Join the Community Discussion
Share excerpt(s) from your money story. How do you relate to one another’s stories? Other insights?
Copyright © 2020 Jen Lightwood