Give Yourself a Raise
“Energy is the currency of the universe.
When you “pay” attention to something, you buy that experience.
So when you allow your consciousness to focus on someone or something that annoys you, you feed it your energy, and it reciprocates with the experience of being annoyed.
Be selective in your focus because your attention feeds the energy of it and keeps it alive, not just within you, but in the collective consciousness as well.”
-Emily Maroutian, Armenian Author and Philosopher
Not only is this a philosophy, this is physics.
Everything is energy… even money.
And when you open yourself to really sensing ‘money as currency’, you realize how your earning potential may reflect your beliefs and vibration.
The incredible insight is that you can change our ‘financial frequency’ by changing yourself. So, it’s time to…
Give Yourself a Raise (& a Bonus)!
Start with your emotions. Recall one of the ‘About me’ questions from when you signed up for Living Money System: Which feelings best describes your relationship with money?
Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief and/or Fear: I am really scared about my financial situation.
Desire, Anger, Pride and/or Courage: I want to improve my finances, but…
Willingness, Acceptance and/or Reason: I take full responsibility and feel good about making changes.
Love, Joy and/or Peace: I feel calm and open during times of financial storms and financial successes.
These categories of emotions come from the Hawkins Scale. David R. Hawkins has conducted extensive research on human consciousness related to our emotional frequency. First, please note that none of these categories should be considered good or bad. Rather your emotions simply serve as inner guidance - your personal navigation tool for awareness and action. However, the Hawkins Scale does consider the categories to be ascending levels of higher frequency.
As money is frequency, our emotions play a vital role in our financial wellbeing. When you feel lack of self worth, you may tend to feel lack of money. If we feel self-love, you tend to feel gratitude about money.
Reflect on which category you feel you resonate with most often. Emotions often become patterns that shape our personality and become our comfort zones or set points. Are you willing to push yourself your current set point? What are you willing to do to raise your emotions to the next level?
Bonus: Boost your dopamine with these “top 10” natural ways from Barry Shutte of Success Academy: 1.Exercise, 2. Avoid addictions, 3. Detoxification, 4. Increase Tyrosine, 5. Music, 6. Organize your life, 7. Creativity, 8. Get a streak going, 9. Supplementation, and 10. Meditation.
An Invitation
Grab your ‘money’ journal and work through the ‘Give Yourself a Raise’ reflection points above.
Join the Community Discussion
Share your insights and strategies for raising your financial frequency.
Additional Resources
Copyright © 2021 Jen Lightwood